Activities for Irons
(updated during March/April)
This year's activities in the Men's Club
Final results
In 2023 we had four continuous tournaments.
Iron of the year
Winner | Bo Kjærulf | 190 stableford points |
2nd place | Lars Michael Nørregard | 185 |
3rd place | Hans H. Blumensaadt | 184 |
4th place | Finn Høj | 181 |
4th place | Jesper Dahlquist | 181 |
The hole-in-one tournament
Winner | Hans Blumensaadt |
2nd place | Kai Dinesen |
Autumn hole game
Winner | Bruno Berthou |
2nd place | Carsten Andersen |
The Irons' activities in the 2023 season appear from these two tables:
Overview of the Tuesday rounds
Special events + meals
Shared dining
On the first Tuesday of each month, we have a communal meal and award ceremony for the previous month's tournaments. Please note that meal times vary over the season. As the food must be ordered in advance, it is necessary that you register at Golfbox no later than 12:00 the Saturday before. The menu for the individual days will also appear here. Payment takes place on the day of the meal either in cash or with MobilePay. The first and last meal of the season is free, but it should be mentioned that if you register and don't turn up, you will be charged DKK 75 both on the days when the food is free and on the days when you have to pay yourself.
The first Tuesday of each month is also the day when we run the ongoing Eclectic tournament, which is always played from the yellow tee, and where the first 9 holes count towards the tournament. No registration is required to participate. In short, it is about achieving the best possible result on each hole, and over the course of the season you have seven Tuesdays for this. No later than the Sunday before, you can register in GolfBox for either an early or a late round, after which start lists will be made. We have introduced this option in the hope that more people will play with people other than those you normally go with. You can of course also play when and with whomever you want outside of the time period 2:30-5:00 p.m. Read more details about Eclectic here.
The other Tuesdays
On the 24 Tuesdays when we don't play Eclectic, there will be various tournaments where we primarily play stableford. On the last Tuesday of every month, we play a stroke play round with or without maximum score. Once a month we play from tee 43 and the rest of the rounds are played from tee 51. Normally we play 18 holes, but at the beginning and end of the season 9-hole rounds are planned so that everyone can finish before It's getting dark. Registration is required for all these tournaments, and you also have to go into Golfbox yourself and reserve a time. The deadline for registration is 8:00 on game day. The men's club has priority on all Tuesdays at 15:30-17:00, but priority times not booked are released 48 hours before to other members and green fee guests. The rounds over 9 holes do not count as handicaps, and the score card, just like in 18-hole rounds, must be handed in to the irons' mailbox, so that the result can be included in the prize ranks. If you do not want handicap-counting rounds registered as counting in Golfbox, you must take care of this yourself, exactly as if it were a private round. This can be done, for example, by taking a picture of the scorecard before handing it in the mailbox. Please note that the Tuesday round on June 13, when we hold Open Men's Day, is only for those who do not have the opportunity to participate in Open Men's Day in the morning.
Monthly prizes
The monthly prizes (a 1st prize and a 2nd prize) for the Tuesday rounds are awarded in three rows divided by handicap. This happens at the communal meal on the 1st Tuesday of each month. After this, the Tuesday winners will appear on our website. If you could not be present at the prize presentation and have a prize to your credit, you can contact the Chairman of the Irons by telephone within the next month (the number is on our website).
We do not drive with a fixed limit between the rows, but make sure at the start of the season that there are equal numbers in each row. The exact handicap limits between the ranks will therefore depend on who registers for the prize ranks by paying a prize fee of DKK 150 for the entire season. The "Sharks" are typically players with a handicap under 17, the "Strivers" are around 17-23, and the "Worm Killers" will usually be players with a handicap over 23. The exact limit will be fixed around April 1st and will be announced out to you. During the following three months, some will have played up, others down, and new members have probably joined, so as of On July 1, we will again ensure that all the ranks are the same size, and the new handicap limits applicable for the rest of the season will be announced.
Iron of the year
Our second ongoing tournament without registration is to choose the Iron of the Year. The winner is found by taking the sum of the stableford points achieved in the best 5 Tuesday rounds played from the yellow tee over 18 holes. Over the course of the season, there are 11 Tuesdays that can be included in the tournament, as the only exception is the day when we hold Open Men's Day.
Hole play tournament
Alongside the Tuesday rounds, we have a hole-in-one tournament that is played according to a double knock-out system. You register in GolfBox, and the tournament extends over most of the season. Read more about hole play tournament here.
Other actions
During the season, the above-mentioned Tuesday rounds will be replaced by or supplemented by other measures. On a single Tuesday, instead of regular stableford, we will play "modified stableford", where the scoring is slightly different. On two Tuesdays, the regular round will be supplemented with a partner tournament, where we let Golfbox put people together in pairs completely at random. On the prize day, the usual prize sets are awarded, and in addition, a prize is awarded to the couple who together have made the most stableford points. Twice during the season there is a putting competition, and finally on a Tuesday it will only be allowed to bring 4 clubs (including putters). All this appears from the attached overview.
Special events
In addition to the above tournaments, we will plan other special events. These are games on foreign grounds, the Ryder Cup, Open Men's Day, a weekend trip in the autumn and the Battle of the Sexes against the ladies' club. Here is a small overview of various events, where both content and dates are subject to change. More precise information will be announced to everyone during the season.
Game on foreign ground May 13
Ryder Cup May 27
Pink Cup 10 June
Open Lord's Day 13 June
Weekend trip 8.-10. September
Possibly. away games September 30
The Battle of the Sexes 7 October
Possibly there will be other exciting initiatives during the season.