Brøndby Golfklub's Elite players
Brøndby golf club's elite squad
Brøndby golf club's elite squad consists of the club's best playing women and men, i.e. players with a low handicap who are determined to represent Brøndby Golf Club in the best ranks of the Danish tournament. The Denmark tournament is a tournament under DGU, and consists of a number of teams divided according to strength and age. Brøndby Golfklub is represented on both the division teams and the qualification teams (with a view to promotion to a division team).
Brøndby Golf Club's Elite Committee
The goal of the Elite Committee's work is to create a squad of players consisting of the club's best playing women and men. The aim is for the club to have at least one team in one or more of the Danish series' divisional teams as well as in the qualification ranks with a view to promotion to a divisional team. In order to achieve and maintain this goal, the elite committee must ensure the continued development of the elite squad, so that there is a continued influx of new talent.
With a view to the continuous recruitment of young new players, the players of the elite squad must in their behavior and play act as role models for the club's young players and juniors, with a view to attracting new players.
The elite committee must ensure that DS matches proceed according to DGU's rules.
The elite committee is tasked with creating the best possible framework for the elite in the club, so that there is continuous development in the players' performances.
To achieve this, the elite committee must ensure optimal training offers for the players and it is expected that the players in the elite squad use the training offers they are offered.
The elite receive training from the club's Pro, the club's professional golf coach, once a week for 1½ hours. Every spring, a training program is put together in collaboration between the coach and the elite committee. There is a separate payment by the players for this training.
The elite committee obliges the players to line up for the DS matches that must be played throughout the season according to DGU's match schedule and encourages the players to participate in both internal and external elite tournaments in order to develop their game.
The elite committee sends a budget proposal to the club's board every autumn. The budget is laid out based on the objectives for the committee's work, and reflects the committee's objectives and training program for the players.
Description of responsibilities
The elite committee is responsible for ensuring that Brøndby Golfklub has a squad of elite players, which consists of the best players in the club and for attracting talented players inside and outside the club. The squad must therefore consist of players who can represent Brøndby golf club as best as possible. This means that the committee must ensure a continuous influx and departure of players.
The elite committee is responsible for ensuring that the committee's budget is respected and that there is ongoing dialogue with and information to the club's board
Meeting business
The elite committee holds meetings in the committee and holds meetings with the squad's elite players as necessary in order to ensure an ongoing dialogue with the players with information about training offers, expectations for the players and the players' obligations towards the club.