The club's purpose is to organize activities with the main emphasis on the game of golf in pleasant and preferably festive forms and to arrange matches on both home and away courses. If Monday is a bad day for you, we also have another Senior Club that plays every Monday. You cannot be a member of both Monday seniors and Wednesday seniors at the same time.
Read the leaflet Clubs in the club
Membership is subscribed for one year at a time. The quota that applies to the period 1 January to 31 December must be paid before the end of February into MSBGK's bank account in Nordea Bank:
Reg.: 2132; Account no.: 3498139174.
Quota for 2024 is DKK 350.00.
Quota for 2025 is DKK 350.00.
Golf game:
MSBGK, every Monday, but not on public holidays, has priority at the 1st tee place between 08:30 and 10:30 in the period 1 April to 31 October (like all other clubs in the club). An appointment must be booked in Golfbox. If the times for the priority right have not been used/booked no later than one week before, the times in Golfbox are released for use by other members.
The first Monday in each month there is not a tournament, but lunch golf, over 9 or more holes. Remember to register in Golfbox. Lunch golf ends with lunch at 12.00 and awarding of prizes to Monday's winners and the month's winners. Sandwiches can/must be ordered from the suspended list on the notice board. The food is paid for on the same day before eating. Registration is binding.
Remember that we meet at 12.00 for lunch and award presentation.
Other Mondays matches are played in a row over 18 holes. Registration/deregistration takes place in Golfbox, where the tournament regulations will also be available to read. Prize giving is on the first Monday of next month.
If you do not want to participate in the match, but just play golf, you do not register for the match, but remember to book an appointment in Golfbox. However, it cannot be avoided that you will have to play with someone else who has registered for the match and who needs a marker for the entire round.
If you want to read more about the Monday senior club, go to MSBGK's website: