Regional Golf East
The regional golf tournament is a start to the hole game, because it is the form of play that is played in all team matches. It makes no difference to get on the team whether you participate in this tournament or whether you write to John, because it is your handicap that must be used for selection. All club members are welcome, subject to the following restrictions.
In 2024, we will field 8 teams, compared to 7 in both 2023 and 2022.
Registration is possible for everyone (see criteria below) and can be done by registering for the Regionsgolf Tournament (in the Golfbox module that opens in March/April) or by direct registration, both in Golfbox. Alternatively, by sending an email to John Riisgaard - [email protected] - with name, member number, and which team you want to play for.
To be considered for regional golf, you must be at least 21 years old in 2023.
Handicap limits:
- The A team: Handicap not below 4.5
- The B team: Handicap not below 13.0
- The C team: Handicap not under 18.0
- Senior B: Handicap not below 13.0
- Veteran A: No handicap restriction. Must be able to play in the morning
- Veteran C: Handicap not under 18.0
- Superveteran C: Handicap not under 18.0
Age limits:
- Senior Ladies: Participants must be 45 years old before the end of the tournament year.
- Senior men: Participants must be 50 years old before the end of the tournament year.
- Veteran ladies: Participants must be 55 years of age before the end of the tournament year.
- Veteran men: Participants must be 60 years old before the end of the tournament year.
- Super Veteran ladies: Participants must be 65 years of age before the end of the tournament year.
- Super Veteran men: Participants must be 70 years old before the end of the tournament year
When you play Regionsgolf, you play both home and away matches, and you play against everyone in the pool. It is a cozy and fun form of tournament where you eat together after the matches. The home club pays one beer/water per match. You pay for the food yourself and you arrange / pay for transport to the away games yourself.
The team captains must, for each team match, field the strongest possible team of the players they have available. The team is set according to handicap!
NB: If you are not fit, you should give way to a better playing teammate, in consultation with the team captain. There can be max. be 15 participants assigned to each team: 10 men and 5 women. There may be changes in the player squad during the entire course of the tournament.
If you are in doubt about the conditions for participation, you can always write an email to: [email protected].
Program and matches, team captains for the individual teams, tournament conditions, results and much more can be viewed Regional Golf East Homepage. The tournament starts at the end of April.
Below you will find the team captains for each team
A-series East (A)
Team leader: Johnny Brøndum Hansen, mobile 40 31 20 21, E-mail: [email protected]
B-row East (B)
Team leader: Michael Bovbjerg Hansen, mobile: 23 11 24 98, E-mail: [email protected]
C-row East (C)
Team leader: Per Nielsen, mobile 50 53 95 40, E-mail: [email protected]
Senior series East B (SB)
Team leader: Dennis Hvorup Møller, mobile 25 73 80 89, E-mail: [email protected]
Veteran series East A (VA)
Team leader: Kim Abildgaard, mobile 52 71 56 66, E-mail: [email protected]
Veteran series East C (VC)
Team leader: Susanne Andersen, mobile 30 70 28 00, E-mail: [email protected]
Superveteran series East A (SVA)
Team leader: Gitte Sillemann, mobile 40 90 33 43, E-mail: [email protected]
Superveteran Series East C (SVC)
Team leader: Allan Olsen, mobile 40 50 30 80, E-mail: [email protected]
Welcome to a successful season.
We play for Brøndby Golf Club.
Coordinator Regionsgolf Brøndby Golf Club
John Riisgaard