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Kontingenter (2023)

Er du ny golfer så læs om prøvemedlemsskab til kun kr. 800,00 here

Mini-junior under 12 years - only DKK 450.00 for the whole year.

Dues for passive members are DKK 800.00 per year. For other membership categories: See the different rates below.
Green fee agreements for full-time members of Brøndby Golf Club, see here.

At Brøndby Golfklub, we charge a fee every quarter (individual age groups and fee types excepted). For the first 12 months, you are bound by your membership, after which you can unsubscribe 2 months before the end of a quarter.

A withdrawal must always be in writing, either by email sent to the secretariat, alternatively a letter delivered to the secretariat, and it is important that you have received acceptance from the club that you have submitted a written withdrawal, otherwise your withdrawal not be valid. A phone call is not enough.

Mini juniors from 0-12 years

Mini juniors from 0-12 years
No play on the 18-hole course
Deposit: DKK 0.00

NOK 450.00 in annual fee.

What you get/must:

You get free driving range balls and may use the Driving Range, go on the putting green and the par 3 course under the supervision of an adult. You can participate for free on the 2-3 planned family Sundays with play, games, competitions, soft drinks and refreshments.

Mini juniors from 0-12 years
With play on the 18-hole course
Deposit DKK 0.00

NOK 1,050.00 in annual subscription

What you get/must:

You are part of the regular junior training. You get free driving range balls and can freely use our Driving Range, go on the putting green, the par 3 course and the 18 hole course. You can participate for free on the 2-3 family Sundays with games, competitions, soft drinks and refreshments.

You are offered a back cabinet at half price

Juniorer fra 13 – 18 år

Juniorer fra 13 – 18 år
No play on the 18-hole course

Deposit DKK 0.00

NOK 825.00 in annual fee.

What you get/must:

Du får årligt 4 fællestræningslektioner af golfpro’en. Du får frie driving range bolde og kan frit benytte Driving Range, gå på putting green og par 3 banen. Du kan deltage gratis på de 2-3 planlagte familie søndage med spil, konkurrencer, sodavand og guf.

Juniorer fra 13 – 18 år
With play on the 18-hole course
Deposit DKK 0.00

NOK 1,800.00 in annual subscription.

What you get/must:

You are included in the regular junior training. You get free driving range balls and can freely use our Driving Range, go on the putting green, the par 3 course and the 18 hole course. You can participate for free on the 2-3 planned family Sundays with games, competitions, soft drinks and refreshments.

You are offered a back cabinet at half price

Ung-seniorer fra 19 – 29 år

Ung-seniorer fra 19 – 29 år
No play on the 18-hole course

Deposit DKK 0.00

NOK 1,475.00 in annual fee.

What you get/must:

Du får årligt 4 fællestræningslektioner af golfpro’en. Du får frie driving range bolde og kan frit benytte vores Driving Range, gå på putting green og par 3 banen.

Ung-seniorer fra 19 – 29 år
With play on the 18-hole course

Deposit DKK 0.00
NOK 3,100.00 in annual subscription.
NOK 2,150.00 in annual fee on presentation of student card.
What you get/must:

Du får årligt 4 fællestræningslektioner af golfpro’en. Du får frie driving range bolde og kan frit benytte Driving Range, gå på putting green, par 3 banen og 18 huls banen.

Senior (29 år +) og Fleksmedlemskab

Full-time Senior membership
Deposit DKK 0.00

NOK 7,050.00 in annual fee.

What you get/must:

Fuldtids medlemskab. Obligatorisk betaling på 350,00 kr. for driving range bolde til fri brug af Driving Range + kr. 150,00 for boldnøgle.
Gratis træning 4×1 times holdundervisning.
Du må spille hele året så meget du vil i Brøndby og Sorø – og i sæsonen også på Midtsjælland (dog max 10 gange per sæson) samt Harekær og Vallø.
However, all free play agreements only apply in private matches.

Flexhverdag / everyday membership.
Deposit: DKK 0.00
Annual quota: DKK. 5,300.00
Obligatorisk betaling på 350,00 kr. for driving range bolde til fri brug af Driving Range + kr. 150,00 for boldnøgle.
Spil så meget du vil i Brøndby på alle hverdage – spil i weekender og på Helligdage koster kr. 350,00 per gang.
Bets on courses other than Brøndby's are at the normal price.

Flex - membership.
Annual quota: DKK. 2,150.00 (pay the number of months remaining in the year until 1 January – after that you can pay per year or per month). Per 12 months you get 4 green fees for 18 holes. Additional green fees can be purchased at the normal price. Greenfees can be used as long as you are a member - however only for 1 calendar year at a time.