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Articles of association last revised April 2024

§ 1 Name, domicile and purpose

PCS. 1 The club's name is Brøndby Golfklub, and its seat is Brøndby Municipality.

PCS. 2 The club's aims are:

to organize the sporting activities belonging to the sport of golf so that the club's members and guests can practice the game of golf under the best possible conditions, and thereby create good opportunities for children and young people to play the sport of golf based on the young person's interest and commitment. The association's starting point is social life and the members' joint work and responsibility.

 carry out maintenance and expansion of the course facility with associated facilities, so that it permanently ensures that Brøndby Golfklub can be admitted as and remain a full member of the Danish Golf Union.

 enter into and maintain such agreements with Brøndby Municipality or others regarding the use of land areas from Toftemosegård, Midlergård and Hvedegård for the construction and operation of a golf course, including setting up and running club activities from Toftemosegård with associated buildings.

PCS. 3 The club must be a member of the Danish Golf Union under the Danmarks Idræts Forbund and is subject to its laws and regulations.

§ 2 Members

PCS. 1 Persons who meet the Danish Golf Union's amateur regulations and members of the DPGA who are employed by the club are accepted as members. Furthermore, those of the club's members who transition to professional status can retain their membership of the club.

PCS. 2 Both passive and active members are admitted. Only active members have the right to play on the course. Passive members have access to the clubhouse and to the club's events and to training facilities.

PCS. 3 Requests for admission as well as transition from passive to active member in the club are addressed to the board, which may periodically limit the access of active members due to capacity considerations. In that case, a time-prioritized waiting list is maintained.

§ 3 Deposit in relation to admission as a member and passive members' change of membership category

PCS. 1 When joining the club, senior members (category a) and Flex everyday members (category b) pay a deposit, the size of which is determined by the general meeting. The board can set additional admission criteria, including membership through sponsorships.

PCS. 2 Passive members who have previously been category a or b members cf. section 5 subsection 1 can switch to active membership without paying a new deposit.

If the passive period is less than 12 months, upon re-entry as an active member, dues must be paid (with deduction of passive dues) for the entire passive membership period.

Have payments of special services such as contributions to the building fund etc. been approved? cf. § 8, these must be paid in before re-joining as an active senior member.

§ 4 Collection of deposits and quotas

PCS. 1 Deposits and quotas are collected by the board's measure.

The board sets criteria for collecting deposits.

§ 5 Quota and deposit rates

PCS. 1 As a result of the DGU board of representatives decision of 20 March 2010, the board can at any time create additional membership categories, in addition to the categories specified below:

a: Senior members who have reached the age of 25
b: Flex everyday members
c: Passive members

Any restrictions on the admission of members in the individual membership categories are determined by the board.

PCS. 2
 The rates for quotas in categories a, b and c, deposits for categories a, b and c and other special benefits adopted by the general meeting are updated on the basis of budgeted construction and operating expenses and are adopted by the ordinary general meeting.
Fees for supplementary membership categories cf. subsection 1 is determined by the board of directors.

PCS. 3
 Fees are valid from 1/1 to 31/12 (the fee period) and can be collected quarterly on 1/1, 1/4, 1/7 and 1/10 (the payment period).

PCS. 4
 If dues are in arrears for more than 1 month, the board can suspend all membership rights, which can only be restored when the entire arrears have been paid.

PCS. 5
 If dues are in arrears for more than 2 months, the board can exclude the member in question. A fee is required for re-registration, the amount of which is continued by the board.

PCS. 6
 The board sets the rates for locker rent and the like.

§ 6 Membership

PCS. 1 Membership in the club is binding for the payment period.

PCS. 2 Cancellation or transfer to another membership category must be done with 2 months' notice before the end of the payment period.

PCS. 3 The board can in special cases appoint honorary members.

People outside the ranks of the board can be appointed as honorary members, who in their work have made an extraordinary, personal, unpaid effort for the club and the club's members.

Honorary members are appointed for life, but the appointment can be revoked by the board if the honorary member brings Brøndby Golfklub or the sport of golf into disrepute.

Honorary members are automatically active members of the club, but do not pay dues for a period of 3 years after appointment.

After the expiry of the 3-year period, the honorary member re-enters the membership category the member was in before the appointment, but retains his honorary membership.

The board's appointment and involvement of honorary members requires unanimity.

§ 7 Tournaments, handicaps and rules

PCS. 1 Any active member can participate in the club's official tournaments within the tournament conditions set by the club/tournament committee, however taking into account the conditions set at any time for membership categories.

PCS. 2 No member in arrears may participate in tournaments. This provision also applies to guests from other clubs associated with the Danish Golf Union, if notification to this effect is available.

PCS. 3 The game follows the "Rules of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews”.

Determining the members' handicap must be done in accordance with the Danish Golf Union's handicap system.

PCS. 4 The board determines the local rules. Every member must comply with the established rules for the conduct of the game and the maintenance of order on the field and in the clubhouse.

PCS. 5 The course may be closed to members and green fee players in connection with sponsor events. These events are usually held in the morning or afternoon and
exceptionally all day.

PCS. 6 Violation of the rules in section 7, subsection 2 – 4, can be punished by the board with temporary exclusion from participation in the game and from the clubhouse or, in repeated cases, with exclusion from the club.

The board's decisions pursuant to the above can be appealed to the Danish Golf Union's amateur and order committee.

However, any appeal can only be made after the board's decision/decision has been considered at the club's general meeting.

§ 8 General meeting

PCS. 1 The general meeting has the highest authority in the club's affairs within the limits set out in these articles of association.

PCS. 2 Ordinary general meeting is held every year in Brøndby Municipality before the end of April. The general meeting is announced by the board with at least 3 weeks' notice on the club's website, e-mail and by posting in the clubhouse with an indication of the agenda and must, among other things, contain the board's possible proposals for item 4 of the agenda.

The audited accounts are sent by e-mail or can be picked up at the club no later than 3 weeks before the general meeting.

PCS. 3 At the ordinary general meeting, the following points are discussed:

1) Selection of conductor
2) Report on the club's activities in the past year
3) Presentation of the audited accounts for the past year for approval
4) Negotiation and voting on any proposals from the board
5) Negotiation and voting on such proposals that may have been made in accordance with the rules of the articles of association
6) Presentation of the budget for the coming year
7) Determination of rates for quotas, deposits cf. § 3 subsection 1 and § 5 subsection 1 point a, b and c, and any special services such as contributions to building funds etc.
8) Election of chairman
9) Election of treasurer (for elections in even years)
10) Election of board members
11) Election of auditor
12) If necessary

The general assembly's point 6 and 7 can be chosen by the conductor to be treated together.

PCS. 4
 Members can submit proposals to the ordinary general meeting.
These proposals must be in the hands of the board in writing no later than 14 days before the general meeting and together with the board's proposals must be presented for review in the club's office no later than 5 days before the general meeting.

PCS. 5
 The general meeting decides all matters by simple majority, except for the cases referred to in § 14. At the request of at least 5 voting members, a written vote is taken.
All active members who are not in dues arrears and who according to Danish law are of legal age have the right to vote with one vote each.
The right to vote can be exercised according to a written power of attorney from a voting member, as each member can only exercise the right to vote according to 1 power of attorney.

PCS. 6
 An extraordinary general meeting is held after the meeting of the board of directors or the general meeting
resolution or upon written request from at least 50 voting members. The request must contain the proposals that are to be dealt with at the extraordinary general meeting. This is called by the board with at least 1 week's notice to be held no later than 3 weeks after the board has received the request.

PCS. 7 A brief report of what passed at the general meeting, including in particular the decisions made, must be recorded in the club's negotiation protocol, which must be signed by the conductor and the chairman.

§ 9 Composition of the board

PCS. 1 The board consists of the chairman, the treasurer and a minimum of 5, a maximum of 8 members elected by the general meeting

The board members are elected for 2 years, so that at least half are elected in even years and the rest in odd years. The chairman is up for election every year.

Reelection may take place.

PCS. 2 If a vacancy occurs during the year among board members, the board, as far as it deems it necessary, elects a member to serve until the next general meeting.

In the event of the resignation of either the chairman or the treasurer, an extra ordinary general meeting is called with this subject on the agenda.

PCS. 3 Eligible for election to the board are active members who are 18 years of age and have the right to vote.

PCS. 4 Members of the Board of Directors elected by the general meeting are fee-free during the election period.

§ 10 Constitution of the board

PCS. 1 The board constitutes itself with a deputy chairman and sets its own agenda.

PCS. 2 The board has decision-making capacity when at least half of its members are present.

PCS. 3 The board makes its decisions by simple majority vote. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.

PCS. 4 Minutes are kept of the board's proceedings.

§ 11 Board's rights

PCS. 1 The board has the day-to-day management of the club and makes binding decisions in the club's affairs, including any take a loan.

PCS. 2 The club is signed by the chairman or deputy chairman in association with a board member.

PCS. 3 The board can hire paid staff and grant special powers of attorney.

PCS. 4 Taking out loans to finance railway construction, buying, selling or mortgaging real estate requires the approval of a general meeting.

PCS. 5 For the obligations entered into by the board on behalf of the club, only the club's assets are liable.

§ 12 Appointment of committee

PCS. 1 The board can at any time set up committees and determine their tasks and competences and give guidelines for the committee's work.

The board must be represented by at least one representative in every committee.

§ 13 The club's financial year

PCS. 1 The club's financial year is the calendar year.
The club's accounts must be audited by an auditor elected by the general meeting.

§ 14 Amendments to the articles of association, dissolution of the club, construction of a new track, purchase and sale of real estate

PCS. 1 Provisions on changes to the articles of association, dissolution of the club, construction of a completely new track and purchase and sale of real estate can only be adopted by a general meeting.

For adoption, it is required that at least half of the club's voting members are present, and that the decision is adopted with a majority of 2/3 of the votes cast.

PCS. 2 If half of the voting members are not represented at the general meeting, but the proposal is nevertheless adopted with 2/3 of the votes cast, the board of directors calls a new general meeting with 8 days' notice, which is held no earlier than 8 days and no later than 30 days after the first general meeting .

At this general meeting, the proposal can be adopted with 2/3 of the votes cast, regardless of the number of attendees. The provision in § 8 subsection applies to the granting of a power of attorney. 5.

PCS. 3 In the event of the club's dissolution, the club's assets, after all obligations have been covered, must go to Brøndby Municipality's youth work.

Thus adopted at the extraordinary general meeting on 13 October 2021

Finn Ulbæk Andersen (Chairman) Kai Dinesen (Conductor)

Here you will find a link to the club's statutes: